Let us help you find your way around Norwalk.
Powered by Google Maps, the map below not only helps you find the best parking spots in Norwalk but also pinpoints common attractions like the Maritime Aquarium, the Sono Collection, and more. Explore nearby restaurants, private parking, and popular stores with ease! For directions, simply select a marker on the map for related info and more options. Electric charging stations can also be found at both Yankee Doodle Garage and Maritime Garage.
Park Norwalk Facilities
Webster Lot
North Water Street Lot
Maritime Garage
Haviland Lot
On-Street Rates
South Norwalk Train Station
Main Street Lot (High Street Lot)
Wall Street Lot (Mechanic Street Lot)
Yankee Doodle Garage
On-Street Rates
East Norwalk (Southbound Lot)
East Norwalk (Northbound Lot)
East Norwalk Train Station Overflow Lot
Liberty Square
City Hall Lot
Old YMCA Lot
Points of Interest
Non-Park Norwalk Facilities
Webster Lot
55 Martin Luther King Drive
Norwalk, CT 06854
Hours of Operation: 24/7
Hourly Rate: $1/hr
6 pm-10 pm – $3 Flat
After 10 pm – $1/hr
Monthly Permit: $70.00
Monthly Permit (Reserved): $90.00
Parking Permit Application
North Water Street Lot
4 N Water Street
Norwalk, CT 06854
Hours of Operation: 24/7
Hourly Rate: $1.50/hr
Maritime Garage
11 North Water Street
Norwalk, CT 06854
Electric Charging Station
Hours of Operation: 24/7
Hourly Rate: $2/hr
Monthly permit: $89.00
Parking Permit Application
Haviland Lot
5 Haviland Street
Norwalk, CT 06854
Hours of Operation: 24/7
Hourly Rate: $1.50/hr
Monthly Permit: $75.00
Parking Permit Application
Hours of Operation:
Mon-Sat | 8 am-9 pm
Free on Sundays and federal holidays
$1.50/hr (two-hour limit)
South Norwalk Train Station
30 Monroe Street
Norwalk, CT 06854
Hours of Operation: 24/7
Daily Rate: $12
Monthly permit: $99
Parking Permit Application
Main Street Lot (High Street Lot)
20 Main Street
Norwalk, CT 06854
Hours of Operation: 24/7
Hourly Rate: $0.50/hr
Enter After 6 pm: $1 evening rate
Monthly permit: $37
Parking Permit Application
Wall Street Lot (Mechanic Street Lot)
42 Wall St
Norwalk, CT 06854
Hours of Operation: 24/7
Hourly Rate: $0.25/hr until 6 pm
Enter After 6 pm: $1 evening rate
Monthly permit: $37
Parking Permit Application
Yankee Doodle Garage
10 Burnell Blvd
Norwalk, CT 06854
Electric Charging Station Available
Hours of Operation: 24/7
Hourly Rate: $0.50/hr
Enter After 6 pm: $1 evening rate
Monthly Permit: $25
Storage Permit: $76/month
Parking Permit Application
Driving Directions
Hours of Operation:
Mon-Sat | 9 am-9 pm
Free on Sundays and federal holidays
$0.50/hour (two hours limit)
East Norwalk (Southbound Lot)
213 East Avenue
Norwalk, CT 06854
Hours of Operation: 24/7
Hourly Rates:
Mon-Fri | Permits Only
Sat-Sun | Parking Fee $8.00 Daily
Monthly Permit: $70
Parking Permit Application
East Norwalk (Northbound Lot)
213 East Avenue
Norwalk, CT 06854
Hours of Operation: 24/7
Hourly Rates:
Mon-Fri | Permits Only
Sat | Up to 1 hour $0.50
Up to 2 hours $1.00
Up to 3 hours $4.50
Up to 4 hours $8.00
Daily Max $8.00
Free on Sundays
Monthly Permit: $70
Parking Permit Application
East Norwalk Train Station Overflow Parking Lot
182 East Ave, Norwalk, CT 06855
Hours of Operation: 24/7
Daily Rate: $6
Monthly Permit: $50
Parking Permit Application
Liberty Square
219 – 203 Liberty Square
Norwalk, CT 06854
Hours of Operation: 24/7
Hourly Rate: $0.50
Monthly Permit: $25
City Hall Lot
125 East Avenue
Norwalk, CT 06854
Hours of Operation: 24/7
Old YMCA Lot
370 West Avenue
Norwalk, CT 06850
We only accept monthly parking at this location. The rate is $50.00 plus CT sales tax.
Center For Contemporary Print
299 West Avenue
Norwalk, CT 06854
Stepping Stones Museum for Children
303 West Avenue
Norwalk, CT 06854
Lockwood-Mathews Mansion
295 West Avenue
Norwalk, CT 06854
IMAX Maritime Aquarium Norwalk
10 North Water Street
Norwalk, CT 06854
Norwalk Museum
41 North Main Street
Norwalk, CT 06854
South Norwalk Library
10 Washington Street
Norwalk, CT 06854
Norwalk Seaport Association Ferry Dock
North Water Street
Norwalk, CT 06854
Non-Park Norwalk Parking
Isaac Street
Norwalk, CT 06854
Non-Park Norwalk Parking
41 S Main Street
Norwalk, CT 06854
Non-Park Norwalk Parking
64 Water Street
Norwalk, CT 06854
Non-Park Norwalk Parking
174 Washington Street
Norwalk, CT 06854
Non-Park Norwalk Parking
130 Washington Street
Norwalk, CT 06854